I am in Hackensack, a tiny town in northern Minnesota. It has a population of 285 people. My parents work at a camp here as the directors of the facility. It’s a beautiful place. There is a large lake, lots of trees and you can see so many stars here. I forget how beautiful the night can be with the stars out and a bright moon. And it’s so dark. No street lights, few other houses, just darkness and it’s so quiet. I love it!
Christmas is a day of relaxation, time with family and joy. My family loves to play games – card games, board games. You name it, we probably play it. The week I’m home for Christmas, I generally more games in that one week than I will the rest of the year. And I love it. We have a tendency to be very competitive and sometimes we take things too far. But overall, it’s a good time filled with laughter and fun.
Last night we went to a Christmas Eve service. My parent’s belong to an Evangelical Free Church which is fairly new. For the morning service we met in the local movie theatre and the evening service was held in the senior center. They sang a number of carols, had a short meditation and sang Silent Night while we were bathed in candlelight. We came home to eat some snacks and hang out. Usually we read the Christmas story from Luke 2 but somehow that go left out last night.
Some 2000+ years ago, a Life came into this world to bring Life to all the world. On a night long ago, God sent a Gift to earth which would later die for all. It’s a big thing to think about. I saw the Nativity Story not long ago and the movie brought to life a story that I’ve heard all my life. Today is a day for us to remember what God has done for us. To remember and be thankful not only for the life that began so long ago but also for the sacrifice that follows.
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