This weekend I will be taking a silent retreat. A friend has agreed to let me stay at her place while she is out of town. I’m excited & nervous. My cell phone will be off, I will have no internet access. I won’t be turning on the television or watching movies. Instead, I will be intentionally taking a break from the noise, busyness & distractions that fill my life on a regular basis. I might read, think, journal, take a walk – but most of all, I will be still.
Silence & stillness is not a part of my regular routine but I think it’s an important place to be for me. There has been a lot of change happening in me and around me. It’s time for me to take a break and just be still before God. During a taize service, you have a chance to sit for ten minutes in silence. It’s probably uncomfortable for some, but I’ve come to relish those opportunities to just be in the presence of God. There are times when it’s nearly impossible to shut off the constant flow of thoughts and that is part of what has driven me to choose 2 days of silence.
From Friday morning through Sunday morning, I’m choosing to step away from the noise of life and be silent. I look forward to what I will hear during this time.
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