Please pray for me! I have three interviews this week and I’m feeling really overwhelmed. Things have started to happen rather quickly with some places and it’s wonderful. I’m very excited but it’s also draining. I find myself trying to balance between excitement at the prospect of getting back into camp ministry and the tremendous sadness I feel at leaving so much that I love. It’s been said that my feelings are normal and yet I don’t find that makes it any easier to deal with. Instead I just want to voice my confusion, excitement, trepidation, and joy. I want to ask the million and one questions that are swirling through my brain. And I just want to know where I’m going.
The journey toward camp ministry has certainly been a wild ride. It could be likened to a roller coaster. I’ve been slowly moving up hill for many years. About 6 weeks ago, I took the plunge over that summit and I’m now in the heart of the ride with ups, downs, twists and turns. And I don’t know where it will end. I don’t know what lies at the end of this ride. Of course coming back to the platform is really just preparation for yet another journey, another ride. And I love every minute of it, even when I’m feeling drained and overwhelmed, such as tonight.
Pray with me, will you? Pray for clarity in this journey. Pray that God would make it abundantly clear what my next step would be. And pray that I will have the courage and faith to step out into whatever He’s calling me to.
A quick summary of next steps:
In person interview in IN – 4/18
In person interview in PA – 4/21-4/23
Phone interview WI camp – 4/24
rwong2u says
Dear God, we know that you will not leave or fosake us, cos you said so in the Bible. Let your light be unto the feet of Holly and be her guide, I pray. In Jesus’s Name.