I had a great trip to PA! The people are so friendly, the staff is well cared for. The facilities are rustic and yet clean. The staff love the Lord and it’s so evident. There’s tons of room for growth in the programming. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done even before the summer staff arrive on May 28th. They are goal-oriented which I really connected with. And they place a high priority on communication, integrity and accountability – and I could see this played out throughout my visit.
The area is gorgeous. It’s really hilly/mountainous, depending on your perspective. The camp is situated on top of a hill and has amazing views on every side. There are larger towns within 15 minutes that have everything you need, including volleyball!
So now it comes down to me and one other candidate. I think it’s a guy and he was there last weekend. They said they’d get back to me in a few days. They know that I have to give two weeks notice and seemed to really like my start date (May 14th) which means I’d have to give notice by tomorrow. We’ll see. I came away feeling good about it and really wanting the job. I could see myself there. I could see myself fitting in and loving it. It was tough to leave and not know if I was going to be coming back. And I’ve been carrying my cell phone pretty much everywhere in case I get a call from a 717 number. 🙂 I usually have it on silent and it just sits at my desk but now it’s on vibrate and it’s in my pocket when I leave my desk.
Pray with me for God’s guidance for me as well as for the camp staff as they seek to make a decision. Pray that no matter the outcome I would trust God. And pray that I would seek His face continually, especially while I wait.
Gayle Walker says
Hi Holly, great idea to have a blog! I am so glad you get to pursue your dream of program directing. You have many skills to bring to that, and I hope you see God do many amazing things.