A friend challenged me today about my goals. He asked how I was doing on my goals. That’s when I realized that I haven’t thought about them in quite awhile. So I guess it’s time for an update.
1. Make lunch for work each day (reduces eating out) – ACCOMPLISHED
This has been solved by the move to PA. All my meals are made for me in the dining hall during the summer. Come fall/winter, I’ll either make lunches or eat leftovers at the dining hall. Eating out is not even an option since I’m removed from town.
2. Study up on the environment & related issues – NOT STARTED
Honestly, haven’t even had a chance to begin on this one. Perhaps this fall.
3. Work out 4x/week – IN PROCESS
This one I’ve been fairly consistent with since coming out here. I’ve taken to walk/jogging and I like it.
4. Learn to cook a bit better – NOT STARTED
I’ve had to delay this one until the fall when I actually start cooking for myself. At that point, I have a cookbook I’ll be using and a wonderful food service coordinator that I can ask questions of.
5. Learn to play the guitar – IN PROCESS
I had been working on this, but then I moved. In the move a tuning peg was broken and I have not had a chance to fix it. Perhaps one of these weekends when I have off time.
6. Watch less TV – IN PROCESS
This has been helped by my move as well. I haven’t watched any TV in the six weeks since I moved. I’ve watched two movies but that’s it. And I don’t miss TV at all!
7. Visit my parents 3x – IN PROCESS
I’ve had one visit already in March. I have a trip planned in August and again in December so I am on track to accomplish this by the end of the year.
8. Visit college roommates in CA – NOT STARTED
Well this one has been complicated by my move. First, moving sucked away all possible finances I had for a trip to CA. Then I find out that one of my roommates is moving to Baltimore next week. It will be so great to have Jen so close! Shari, my other roommate, is hoping to visit in the fall so then the three of us will get together then.
9. Go to Honduras – DEFERRED
Sadly, I will not be going to Honduras this year. 🙁 I’ve already spoken of this on here so I won’t go through it again, but it is quite sad!
10. Go through CASA training – ACCOMPLISHED
In April, I completed the CASA training and was sworn in to court. Then I moved. Thankfully I can transfer to CASA out here which I will be doing in August.
11. Share my opinions more often (tactfully, of course) – IN PROCESS
I’m working on this! In fact, I’ve had a lot of opportunities to do this. When you oversee a bunch of people, it’s really a requirement of the job to share your opinions. It’s how your employees grow and develop. And I’ve come to enjoy sharing my opinions.
12. Complete the Run for the Stars (5K) in under 37 minutes – DEFERRED
Living in PA makes it a little hard to run a race in IL. So this goal will have to be deferred until I can find a similar face here in PA.
Overall, I think my goal situation is pretty good. There will be some I cannot accomplish this year and others that I’ve already accomplished. Praise the Lord!
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