What do I do about church? I’ve really enjoyed the services at the church I’ve been attending in Peoria. The pastor is really good. I walk away feeling like I’m learning something. And the worship is beautiful. But the Sunday School class for 20-somethings has not been so impressive. I’ve tried to get involved, I really have. I find out when events are, I sign up when possible. But getting information and directions has been really difficult. For example, I expressed interest in Bible study and the leader was great. She got me the book they were studying and told me when they meet. I showed up one week and no one else showed up. Turns out they had stopped the study for a month. Or just this past week, I signed up for a theme dinner, wrote down my email & phone number. Two days before the event, I received a call with information about it but the girl didn’t leave a number so that I could call her back for directions. Argh!!! I recognize that most of the people have known each other for a long time and that can make it hard for a new person to break into the group. I don’t know what to do.
I attended the church again today but skipped Sunday School. On my way back to my car, I started chatting with an older woman who works at the church. I told her I was having a hard time getting involved in the 20s class. She told me the church is asking questions about what to do with this age group. In the meantime, she invited me to her class which is for people of all ages. She seemed really sweet. She even introduced me to two other people from the class and suggested that I come next week. Perhaps I will. I mean, I really like the services. Plus I only have four weeks until summer starts and then I won’t attend a class for 11 weeks. Maybe it’s not worth it to look for another church until the fall.
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