Where does the time go? This week really flew by! There were fewer campers and we had very little discipline problems. Instead, we were able to focus on building relationships and pointing campers to Christ. It was a beautiful week! I felt busier than the first week, not putting out fires, but trying to get to know some of the girls as well as working on paperwork. There is a lot of paperwork to do here because we need to be reimbursed for what we are doing. It’s nothing difficult just time consuming. But it is a joy to do because I see the ministry that it enables. Because of the money we receive, we are able to bring urban kids to camp for free. By bringing those kids here, we have a week with them, free of many of the distractions of life, to point them to Christ. We had a girl accept Christ for the first this week! Rejoice with me!
Tomorrow we start week three which is 10-12 year old boys – we are expecting 38 campers. In addition to that, we have 12 teens coming back for our GO Disciple Program which offers them the opportunity to help with activities for the younger campers, participate in work projects, and have Bible studies with their counselor. It’s a week of discipleship and leadership training. The program has been running for many years under various names but the goal is always the same: to bring back kids who are interested in growing spiritually and to pour into them for a week or two or three. How cool is that?!?!
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