Over the next couple days, I’m going to post the lessons I’ve been learning while working at Great Oaks Camp. Some I heard from the summer staff and realized that I was learning the same thing. Other lessons came to me as I was processing my experience at camp. Enjoy!
* Sleep is important
* Find rest in God & seek Him out for strength
* When everything else fails, God doesn’t
* There will be dry times, but He is faithful to always be there
* Trust God that He knows exactly what He is doing and He has reasons for everything
* That His joy will sustain me through the hard times
* Without love, I am nothing
* Sacrifice what I want and give myself completely to what God wants
* Nothing is better than sharing Him with people
* Trust God for the right words to say
* God sometimes works in the strangest ways
* Sometimes walls must be broken for seeds to be planted
* The longer you wait to obey God, the worse things get
* That no Christian on earth will ever know it all
* How to work for God when you don’t feel like it
* That unity happens when we let God break down our barriers
* The world we live in is broken and unfair; God is in control
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