I just posted this on Facebook but wanted to share it here as well……
Every journey begins with a single step. Kind of sounds cheesy but it’s true. I said that last night to a friend and then it got me to thinking about a journey I’m currently on….the journey to being more healthy, to honoring God with my body.
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
I’ve heard it said that people don’t change. But I firmly believe that God can change a person, including their habits. I’m a walking testimony of that! When we finally quit trying to do things our own way, it’s amazing how much God can work in us. It’s amazing what can happen when I stop striving in my own strength and instead begin to seek another Source.
I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
Even losing weight.
Even learning new eating habits.
Even becoming a runner (well that’s still in progress).
Looking back, I guess it started the day I told my friend, Crys, “let’s meet with a personal trainer.” I think God was working in me even before that to begin to want to make changes but that’s the starting block that I can look back on and see the change begin. For years I was bothered by my weight but never did anything. For years I felt guilty about how I treated this temple of the Holy Spirit. For years I had berated myself about not honoring God with my body. Each year I made New Year’s Resolutions to do better. To try harder. Guess how well that worked? But now I feel a passion inside me to stop talking and start taking steps. Sometimes just baby steps. But even a baby step is forward progress.
My next step comes on January 14th….that’s the night I begin 12 weeks of concentrated focus in getting healthy, eating better and improving my running. I’m going to attend cooking school, take a nutrition class and meet with a running coach. Because this is important to me. Because I think this matters. Because I believe I’m honoring God in this endeavor.
Want to join me? I don’t mean you have to join me in the exact activities that I’m doing – though someday I’d love to find a running partner as slow as me. 🙂 Perhaps losing weight or running isn’t the journey you need to begin. Maybe it’s a bad habit you want to kick to the curb. Maybe it’s a good habit that you want to cultivate in your life. Are you honoring God with your body? If not, what step might you take to begin a new journey?
Remember that passion I mentioned above? Well it also extends to others. I’ve found a deep desire to encourage others in their journey. There have been some key people along my journey who have been and still are encouraging me, praying for me and cheering me on. I want to pass that on. Do you need encouragement or prayer? Maybe you’re ready to stop talking and start taking steps in your journey.
One of the things I’ve learned is that this journey is best done with others. I used to be embarrassed to talk about my weight or to say anything that might draw attention to how I look because I wasn’t pleased with myself.
But you know what?
God is pleased with me.
He loves me right here in the midst of my mess.
He loves me even when I take three steps forward and two steps back.
And you know what else?
Everyone is on a journey.
We all have areas of growth that need to be pursued in our lives.
You might just be surprised at how accepting and encouraging people are when you begin to share your journey.
I, for one, would LOVE to hear about your journey.
I would love to encourage you, to cheer you on, to kick butt with you.
And I would be honored to pray for you.
Those aren’t empty words either. I truly would love to pray for you in your journey.
If you need more encouragement to take that first step, check out my journey to becoming a runner: http://hugaboom.blogspot.com/search/label/Running
So what’s your first step?
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