Say what?! I kept seeing people talk about these meal delivery services and I was skeptical. How good could it be?! But I saw a discount code for Hello Fresh and it made the price right.
I actually missed the delivery so the box sat somewhere overnight. Not really sure where because I swear I didn’t see it when I checked the mail. But yesterday I got my green box. My curiosity was spilling over.
I love that it comes with these large, color recipe cards because sometimes it seems like I need “cooking for dummies”.
The cards show step by step instructions, including all of the supplies you’ll need. In theory, you could make these recipes again with store bought ingredients. In theory. Because so people actually do that?? The welcome flyer even turns into a recipe holder too.
The food came packaged with a recyclable ice pack. Even though I got my delivery the day after it came, the food was still cold which was a relief since there was meat involved.
For lunch today, I decided to start with the Veggie Burrito Bowls recipe.
I was looking forward to opening the bag with great skepticism. For real, people, there is no way that my bowl will look like that picture.
My first reaction was surprise. I didn’t realize there would actually be fresh produce in there. I’m not a huge black bean fan but everything else looks good. Now it was time to see how I could mess this up. Lol.
Well the crazy started with cutting veggies. First things first. I don’t like cutting onions. In fact, I just don’t cut onions. So that thing went right in the garbage and I grabbed by dehydrated onions and added a little water to reconstitute them. Maybe it’s not the same as fresh onion but I didn’t cry so that’s a win.
Then they wanted me to finely chop the cilantro. Um. That assumes I have a decent knife. I don’t. I have the knife pictures and it was doing NOTHING about the cilantro. So I kinda ripped it up by hand and called it good.
Oh and don’t even get me going on that teaspoon “full” of lime zest. Well that’s as full as it got. I don’t own a zester. Or grater. So google tells me that I can use my knife. Um, nope. Didn’t work. So what you see is what I got. That’s it. 🙂 But, hey, it all looks pretty on the cutting board.
Meanwhile, the jasmine rice was burning on the stovetop. The corn that was supposed to be blackening was just turning into popped corn and going all over the place. I looked for a hidden camera, thinking this whole process had to be a prank. But no. It was just my life. Surely chefs everywhere are cringing by now.
Doesn’t that salsa look amazing?! Seriously it tastes even better than it looks! I squeezed some extra lime juice in there to make up for the missing lime zest. I could eat this by the spoonful. And I did. No shame.
Then it was time to put it all in a bowl.
Bam! Looks just like the picture, right?! Ha! I tried. It’s probably not Pinterest worthy but I got it done. And then I tasted it….
So good! Success! And the crowd goes wild! I’m actually impressed. Not by my culinary skills but by the quality of this meal. I really didn’t expect this. But I’m happy with meal one.
Maybe there’s hope for meals two and three.
Will I continue my subscription? Is it worth it? I don’t know. I think I’ll reserve judgment until after the other two meals. But today was good. And fun to make!
Have you tried a meal delivery service? What did you think?
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