The mountains seemed to shake, like they knew what was coming. Or maybe it was just our fear that made it seem that way. A lot of people had already left, packed their belongings in haste and headed in different directions. Hoping to escape before THEY came. But I couldn’t leave. I was there with friends and we just wanted to hang out. But that meant a standoff. Perhaps even a fight. We didn’t know what would happen. We just knew we couldn’t leave.
Thud. Boom.
We heard THEM before we saw them. Our cabin was composed of glass walls which meant we could see the trees shaking in every direction. But it was coming from the north. The sound got louder and louder.
Thud. Boom.
It was hard to know if the thud was in the forest or just our hearts pounding in our chests. As the trees crashed down, the giant stone man appeared. He was about 15 feet tall. His feet were boulders that smashed everything in his path. Each arm was made of stone after stone, haphazardly placed together. His legs looked like those piles of stone that people balance at the lakeside. We stood there, seemingly frozen in fear. Except our bladders which were screaming to be emptied.
Rocky bent down. Somehow I knew his name was Rocky even though he had not spoken yet. He bent down and peered at us. As he opened his mouth to speak, it became clear that things were about to get real….
And then my alarm went off and I woke up. The End. ??
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